Lucky Draw Bonus Video Poker

Lucky Draw Bonus Video Poker Highlights
A basic card game with four chances to win, Lucky Draw Bonus Poker will bring out the gunslinger in whoever plays this WagerWorks version of video poker, and you can win up to 4000 coins!
Player's can choose to play between 1 and 4 hands where the held cards are used for play when replacement cards appear.
Once the gunshots are heard while playing Lucky Draw Bonus video poker, players will know one or more of their hands have won.
So, with the basic-style of online poker game you could pretty-much close your eyes in between your card holds, and know when you've won.
Lucky Draw Bonus Poker is based on a 5-card draw poker game, and in this version there are special payouts for Four-of-a-kind when the four cards are Aces, Twos, Threes or Fours (thus, bonus poker).
Wagering in Lucky Draw Bonus Poker.
Video poker game by WagerWorks, is nothing to be gun-shy about, with the choice of 1 to 4 hands (each hand uses 1 deck of cards, shuffled after each play).
Choose from between 1 to 5 credits for the chosen hands of play for up to 20 credits max at 5 credits per hand, and with a Royal Flush at this amount you win 4000 coins!
So strap on a pair and get ready to duel in this exciting poker game, Lucky Draw Bonus Video Poker!