Blackjack Surrender (5 hand mode)
If you’ve ever wished Blackjack had a “fold” option, Playtech’s Multi-Hand Blackjack Surrender may be just the game for you. The game uses 6 decks of 52 cards (regular sans the jokers).
With the exception of the surrender option, which allows you to withdraw your initial two cards at a half-wager penalty, the game adheres to Playtech’s Vegas-style rules.
Multi-Hand Blackjack Surrender table Wagering.
The largest bet you can place is $1,500, with a maximum bet of $300 per hand. You’ll have five hands to concoct several different wagers if you choose—and you can save your wager settings by “rebetting”.
Here are all of Playtech’s blackjack rules if you need a complete list. As far as surrendering goes, it’s a nice feature when used appropriately. There are a few limitations, however; you can only use surrender before you’ve acted on your two initial cards and after the Dealer checks for Blackjack (otherwise, yes, that would be a VERY nice feature).
The ability to surrender does come at a price-you’ll have to forfeit half of your bet every time you walk away. Playtech takes the edge off of this price by looking at it from the bright side.
Every time you surrender a hand, you haven’t “lost” half your wager; you’ve “won” half your wager. Yay. (And I suppose all of the drinks at Playtech’s casinos are half full, too). If you’ve made the correct gamble, this feature could save you several chips.
We’ve all had those moments when the Dealer is showing a face card and we’re left with nothing but a smattering of low-teen value cards that will inevitably toe the hard 17 or bust. And when you are playing Multi-Hand Blackjack and have several hands—and wagers—at stake, it’s nice to have a “walk away” option with Surrender.
If you’d rather play one hand at a time, Playtech also offers a single-hand version. You can tackle both versions of Blackjack at any Playtech casino, but we suggest you start with the ones below first (because we think they’re the best).