Casino Table Games > Craps > Five Principle Bets

The Five Principle Bets Made at the Craps Table

The five main bets one makes at the craps table are these:

  • Pass
  • Don't Pass
  • Come
  • Don't Come
  • Place

Let's explore each of them.

  • PASS LINE -- Here, the player is betting that the point will be repeated before the shooter rolls a 7. Also, it will win if the come-out roll is a "natural" (a 7 or 11). It will lose if the shooter rolls "craps" (2, 3 or 12). This bet cannot be removed once the point has been established. However, during play odds can be added to it.

  • DON'T PASS LINE -- Here the player is betting that the shooter will throw a 7 before the point rolls (i.e., before it is repeated). In other words, the player is betting that the shooter will lose. This is also different from the Pass Line bet in that it will win on the come-out roll on the 2 or 3 (the 12 - the other part of 'craps' - produces a push). The bet loses on the 7 or 11 (a natural). Also, after the point is established, this bet CAN be removed.

  • COME -- This bet is made once the point is established. The player places a bet in the "Come" box. The shooter rolls, then the bet is placed in the box that corresponds to the number that is rolled. Odds can be added if the player wants. If the number rolls before a 7 is rolled, the player wins. If the 7 comes first, the player loses.

  • DON'T COME -- Another bet that is made once the point is established. The player places a bet in the "Don't Come" box. The shooter rolls, and the dealer moves the bet to the box that corresponds with the number that is rolled. If that number is rolled before a 7 is rolled, however, the player loses. If the 7 comes first, the player wins the bet. So it is the reverse of the "come" bet.

  • PLACE BETS -- Here, the player will give the money to the dealer and ask that it be "placed" on a particular number or numbers. Therefore, the bettor can wager on a number regardless of whether it was the point that was established in the game. Then, if that number comes up before the 7 is rolled, the player wins. If the 7 rolls first, it is a losing bet. For $20 wagers or more, you can "buy" the number, where, in exchange for paying a small "vig" you can get a better payoff if you win.

There are obviously more kinds of bets the player can make at the craps table. Those come next.

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